I am not afraid. I was born for this.

St Joan of Ark

5 Young Saints that Inspire Me (As a Catholic Teen)

Reading and learning about the saints is an easy way to be inspired in our journey as young Catholics. I personally love reading quotes and hearing the heroic stories of saints. They are people who chased the Lord in their ordinary lives, every day without fail. Their journeys certainly weren't simple or easy, maybe their past was rough or their situation difficult. But, despite this, each of them recognised their place in God's mysterious and divine plan. They realised that they are, just like each of us, called to something more.

In this list I have compiled, in no particular order, some of my personal favourites who achieved sainthood in their teenage years. From the 12th century all the way to less than 20 years ago, these saints are still influencing people all over the world, from all walks of life. All the saints in heaven, pray for us!

  1. Blessed Carlo Acutis

While Acutis has not been canonised as a saint yet, I thought he was an extremely relevant and worthy inclusion in this list. He was born in 1991 and grew up in Italy. He was diagnosed with Leukemia and died in 2006 at the age of 15. 

Acutis was on fire for Christ and had a special interest in Eucharistic miracles. He used his talent for computers to document these miracles on a website he created. After his diagnosis, he offered his sufferings for the Church and Pope Benedict XVI. While his life might have been short he used every moment to honour the Lord.

“To always be close to Jesus, that is my life plan.” - Blessed Carlo Acutis

  1. Blessed Chiara Badano

Also an Italian Blessed, Chiara Badano was a talented only child born in 1971. She died in 1990 from a rare and painful bone cancer. Her final words were, “Bye, Mum, be happy, because I am.”

Despite her extremely painful cancer, Badona was always devoted to her faith and shone with happiness. She had an extreme trust in Christ’s Will for her life and knew that she was taken care of. 

“I suffered a lot, but my soul was singing.” - Blessed Chiara Badona

  1. St Joan of Ark

Joan was born into a French family of the peasant class in 1412, however, her life was nothing ordinary. She was a military commander and heroine and receiving several apparitions from saints, directing her on what to do. 

Joan of Ark was extremely courageous and holy, following the Lord’s Will even when it seemed impossible. She was martyred at the age of 19 in 1431.

“Go forward bravely. Fear nothing. Trust in God; all will be well.” - St Joan of Ark

  1. St Elizabeth of Hungary

Born into royalty in 1207, Elizabeth was an extremely devout woman, even as a young child. She died in 1231 at the age of 24.

St Elizabeth, despite being queen, served among the poor, giving away her riches and tending to the sick. She even built a hospital that she worked at herself. Additionally, Elizabeth was known to perform penances to offer up to the Lord.

"How could I bear a crown of gold when the Lord bears a crown of thorns? And bears it for me!" - St Elizabeth of Hungary

  1. St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Commonly known as “The Little Flower'', Therese was born in 1873 to a pious family. She died of tuberculosis at the age of 24 in 1897. 

She desired to be a nun from a very young age and entered Carmel at just 15. St Therese wrote in her autobiography about her “little way”, a prayerful, simple way of loving the Lord. Her autobiography "The Story of a Soul" is one of the most widely read books written by a saint.

Well, there you have it! 5 of my favourite teenage saints! I hope you found this to be inspiring or perhaps discovered a spark of interest in one of these extraordinary people.

Sainthood is not a far away thing. It is a hard road but each and every one of us are called to walk it with Christ as our guide.


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