I am not afraid. I was born for this.

St Joan of Ark

Top 10 Best C.S. Lewis Quotes (With Free Downloadable Wallpapers)


C.S Lewis is a famous writer and scholar. He has written over 30 books including the world famous Mere Christianity, The Chronicles of Narnia and The Screwtape Letters.

Born in 1898 in Ireland, C.S. Lewis became an atheist after his mothers death and later converted back to Christianity in 1931. He has become one of the greatest writers of Christian apologetics of the 20th century.

C.S. Lewis has been an extremely influential person in many people's lives and has certainly been an inspiration in my own life.

I, personally, love C.S. Lewis’s work and books. I must admit, I don’t think I have actually FINISHED one of his books, however I have started many of them including The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity

But one of the things I have always loved most about C.S Lewis are his quotes - from his books, words, anything! I think he has had so many inspiring (and true) things to say. 

So, while I can’t pinpoint the exact reason why I have never finished any of his books, I am still an avid lover of his work and I thought I’d share what I think are his top 10 best quotes.

But before that, I wanted to mention a video by Emily Wilson Hussem called If the Screwtape Letters Were For Women. In this video she reads her own modernized twist of The Screwtape Letters, directed at women in our time today. If you're a woman and a fan of The Screwtape Letters, you'll definitely appreciate this piece of writing. Emily Wilson has been a huge encouragement in my own journey and I absolutely loved this video and would 100% recommend it. 

To save the wallpapers included with each of the quotes:
  1. VERY IMPORTANT: Click on the image (this will open it in a different view and stop it from appearing blurry when you save it)
  2. Right click on the image
  3. Select "Save As"
  4. Save the image to your documents.
  5. Change your wallpaper!

10. “When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”

9. “Love is never wasted for its value does not rest upon reciprocity.”

8. “Life with God is not immunity from difficulties but peace with difficulties.”

7. “My prayer is that when I die, all of hell rejoices that I am out of the fight.”

6. “Have fun even if it’s not the same kind of fun everyone else is having.”

5. “Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different.”

4. “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

3. “It’s not the load that weighs you down, it’s the way you carry it.”

2. “God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain.”

1. “Look for Christ and you will find Him. And with Him, everything else.”

So there you have it! Hopefully now you understand why I love C.S. Lewis so much and hopefully you feel inspired anew by some of these quotes.

Hopefully, one day, I will also finish an entire one of his books 😆.

Christ has armed you with all that you need and with Him, you have the strength. 


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