I am not afraid. I was born for this.

St Joan of Ark

How to Dress Modestly

Modesty is an uncommon and unconventional idea in our times today. That is no secret. In today’s fashions, it is all about dressing the way you want. “You do you” as they say.

But as women of Christ, we believe that we do, in fact, have a moral obligation to dress in a certain way that reflects our identity as daughters of Christ.

Just the same way that we believe our actions and speech should reflect our identity as Christians, so should our dress.

If you aren’t convinced or would like to know more about why modesty matters, visit this link to read my post about how much more modesty is than clothes and how it affects your life.

Another resource is Emily Wilson’s YouTube video about modesty. It outlines some great ideas as well and presents modesty in the term of “class” which I found extremely helpful.

In this particular article, however, I want to share with you some practical ideas on how to dress modestly (although modesty is about so much more than clothes) and inspire you to live out the virtue of modesty in your own life.

Photo Inspiration

The vision board below shows classy, elegant outfits that are modest and display the dignity of the person wearing them.

Of course, this is one distinct style but you can see how easily modesty is implemented with layers, flowing shirts, comfy pants etc.

If you're stuck for pretty outfit ideas, search on Pinterest or other search engines for modest outfit inspiration. You can also visit my modest outfits board here for some pre-generated ideas.

I use Pinterest all the time to find outfits that I love or I can put my own spin on… it definitely works and can spark some new ideas to try out.

Sports outfits done differently

As a gymnast, I’m outside on the trampoline, doing backflips and using our AirTrack almost every day and I can say that I have never needed to wear only a sports bra and leggings.

The idea that sporty activities can only be done in these types of clothes is an absolute myth and really is only present for the fashion aspect.


These things can be a really great starting point and base layer, but the outfit shouldn’t end there.


I have always worn an oversized t-shirt with leggings or a pair of loose shorts over my bike shorts and I find these to be totally practical and (believe it or not) not ugly at all.


To truly embrace living modestly, we need to let go of these kinds of stereotypes that keep us from changing our ways.


Just to reiterate:


Exercise isn’t about what you’re wearing.


You can look nice and get in a great workout without wearing leggings and sports-bras.


A touch on swimwear

Kaylin Koslosky wrote an article on Chastity.com which really covers this topic well so I’m not going to go into detail too much about this. If you’re looking for more depth on this particular subject I would 1000% recommend this post or, if you like to consume information audibly, you can listen to the podcast episode on the Lust is Boring podcast.


I gotta say though, one pieces can be STUNNING and a lot of brands have some really gorgeous options. It may take some extra digging and maybe some online shopping but if you’re really chasing the Lord, it won’t be a hard price to pay.

You could also opt for adding some board shorts and a tee-shirt/rashie over your regular swimsuit if you want to keep what you already have.


Dress for the occasion

Another important part of modesty is dressing in attire that suits where you’re going. Showing up in a floor length sequence dress and heels to a backyard barbeque is not (just to clarify) dressing for the occasion.


Neither is arriving at mass in a singlet, shorts and thongs.


(Obviously), what is appropriate varies depending on where you’re going but also on your culture and age so keep this in mind.


Generally, you can find tons of inspo on Pinterest or other similar platforms by searching “modest outfits for [insert occasion here]” which is what I often do. You can check out my board on stunning but also modest outfits here, if you’re interested.

A take on trends

Trends are constantly coming and going. They always have and they always will.

Some of them you may like and others you’ll probably hate but that is their nature and you shouldn’t feel pressured to participate in them just because that’s what everyone else is wearing.


Although, sometimes you may really like a trend and it can be fun to try them out and experiment with new clothes and styles.


However, in our world today, they can often be partially (or extremely) immodest.


So what can you do?


Actually, a lot.


Most commonly, trends are either about one piece of clothing or a general style and there is plenty of leeway to transform it into something that you both love and displays your dignity as a child of God.


Take cropped shirts as an example:

These kinds of shirts can work well for some young women by wearing high waisted pants. Their stomachs are still covered and it can look quite pretty.

However, they may not work as well for a taller woman, so keep this in mind.


Some super general stuff

Keeping in mind the things that I’ve mentioned prior to this, I wanted to provide some super general rules that I keep in mind when picking out what I wear.


These things may be different depending on where you’re going, culture, age, height, body type etc. so take this with an open mind and don’t get too hung up…


Generally, you know what is modest and what you should be wearing to what occasion it just takes courage to put it into practice.


Be honest with yourself.


Some of these tips may be taken directly from or influenced by Leah Darrow’s book The Other Side of Beauty which I have read and loved and would highly recommend.

  1. If you’re asking yourself, “Is it too short or tight or low or anything?” it probably is.
  2. If you look in the mirror and you’re immediately drawn to certain body parts, this area needs to be adjusted. Aim for an outfit that allows you to see yourself as a whole, not as parts.
  3. Singlets can be great to wear underneath any lower necklines and tights/leggings under shorter skirts/dresses
  4. If shorts/skirts don’t come past your fingertips when your arms hang by your side, they are too short (however, if you’re tall in stature, you’ll probably need something even longer than this)
  5. You’ll be moving around in your outfit, so move around in the mirror too and if something shows, change that area.

My biggest advice, however, is to drown out what the world has to say. Modesty shouldn't be about "How short can my skirt be before it is sin?", it is about dressing in a way that displays your dignity as a daughter of God.

Love Him and serve Him even in the way you dress.

Modesty doesn’t have to be restrictive or ugly. It is freeing and beautiful and elegant.

You choose to be a woman of modesty and class and embrace being a daughter of God. 

You are in control of the way you present yourself to the world.

Clothing tells a story about who you are and how you live.

What will your story be?


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