I am not afraid. I was born for this.

St Joan of Ark

How to Pray: A Guide for Teens


Prayer is an essential part of the Catholic Christian life.

Anyone can attend weekly mass, benediction, adoration or youth group, but you can only gain a personal relationship with Christ through prayer.

Prayer is our own personal telephone line to God.

St Theresa of Avila said, “Prayer is being on terms of friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret with Him who, we know, loves us”.

So how do we develop this one-on-one, personal relationship with the creator of the universe, you may ask?

Well, let me tell you.

A Little Disclaimer

Throughout this post I have mentioned things that you “need” to do or have to start praying. Of course, you don’t need anything but an open heart to start praying and you can certainly pray in the very spot you are standing or sitting right now. However, in this specific post, I am writing about developing a habitual, daily schedule of prayer time, and am only speaking for what has worked for me.

If you have any other ideas or comments, feel free to write them in the comment section below!

Set Yourself Up for Success

First things first, it is ESSENTIAL that you give yourself the tools you need to successfully begin this journey, because, yep, it’s a journey.

Take some small moments to think about parts of your home that could function as a prayer nook. Is there an empty area that instantly pops into your head? If not, what areas of your house or room could you set up as a multi-purpose prayer/something else space? Or, even better, is there a chapel or church nearby your house that you could visit each day?

I’ve never had a dedicated chair or corner just for prayer because I literally don’t have enough room in my bedroom, however, I have switched between outside, my desk, my bed and the couch and this has worked just fine for me.

Alternatively, you could go full Elizabeth Jordan from War Room and clear out your closet entirely, if that suits you.

Another thing you’ll need is the right equipment.

I like to have a journal that I use specifically for prayer: writing down quotes, scripture verses, prayers, helpful ideas, inspirations etc. 

You could also consider purchasing a statue of the holy family or sticking up a holy card or image to remind you of whom you are speaking to.

You don’t have to buy anything crazy expensive, but the aim is to guide your heart to the Lord and keep it there.

Start Small

It is easy to get overwhelmed (or maybe bored) at the thought of spending hours in silent prayer every day. But that isn’t necessarily what prayer will look like for you.

Start with just 5 minutes each day.

It mightn’t seem like much, but those 5 minutes will plant a seed in your heart and slowly, gradually you’ll begin to stretch those 5 minutes to 6, 6 to 7 and so forth. 

As your prayer life develops, give yourself room to sit for longer in meditation or read a larger passage of scripture.

Set time into your schedule, into your reminders app and stick to it. Relationships take effort to develop, and so will your relationship with God.

If you’re thinking, “I don’t have time to pray”, I challenge you to base your entire schedule around your prayer time. Rewrite your whole day if that is what it takes, because you can’t wait to pursue God, no matter the cost.

Start Structured

If you’re prone to getting distracted or aren’t quite sure where to start, consider constructing a plan with each part of your prayer routine.

This way you’ll know exactly what you should be focusing on and can easily redirect your thoughts. It’s also a fabulous way to avoid getting overwhelmed; you can start small and simple.

For example, you could start with 1 minute of praise and thanksgiving, 1 minute of confession, 1 minute of reading scripture, 1 minute of reflection and 1 minute of supplication.

You could also use the ACTS prayer structure of another guided meditation from Hallow.

As your prayer life develops, you likely won't need as much of a structure or you may even find that it only holds you back from being guided by the Lord, but as your just starting out, a schedule can really help.

Write it Out

I LOVE to write out my prayers in the form of a letter to God.

I’ve discovered this to be the best way to avoid getting distracted and stop my mind from wandering.

Personally, I use a basic journal and write whatever is on my mind, my thoughts, worries, ideas, inspirations and reflections. 

You can also use a prayer journal with prompts and suggestions.

Read a Book

Don’t be afraid to delve into the world of spiritual reads!

Generally, I read a chapter (or even a page if I’m short on time) of a spiritual book each day as a part of my prayer time.

Alternatively, you could also (and should also) read scripture!

You can pick a specific plan or randomly select a verse or chapter to focus on each day. I loved listening to The Bible in a Year Podcast by Fr Mike Schmitz which walks you through the entire bible over the course of the year with reflections each day. So, if you're not big on reading or simply consume information better when it is being read TO you, this is a great option.

Reflect on what the Lord might be telling you through these words and try to change yourself for the better with everything you learn.

Talk to God

Finally, just start. 

There are only so many things other people can tell you before you just decide to start.

Prayer is a relationship and is specific to each person, it isn’t a one-size-fits-all idea. It begins with the opening of the heart, an invitation to the Lord to come and be with you.

From there, He will guide you and take care of everything else. 

Final Thoughts

Our prayers have power and meaning. They aren’t simple thoughts directed at a childish fantasy. Instead, our prayers are like the shouts of a victorious warrior, praising the one who created the universe and hung the stars in the sky. 

Moreover, our prayers never go unanswered. They are always heard, and they always matter, regardless of how you may feel.

Our God is a God of passion and love, of gentleness and compassion.

He doesn’t leave us on our own. Instead, he wants to run with us on this wild journey to heaven. He knows how difficult it is and so he has equipped us with all that we need.

Prayer is our phone line to God. Our 000 when we are in need and our best friend when we are victorious. More importantly, he is our gentle protector for every day in between.

Reaching out to God isn’t always easy, but it is always, ALWAYS worth it.


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