I am not afraid. I was born for this.

St Joan of Ark

Top 10 Bible Quotes About Strength

The Oxford Languages Dictionary describes strength as “the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure”.

The ability that an object or person can withstand the forces opposing them. The strength to not fold under pressure of hardship. The power to stand tall in the face of our adversaries.

This is what we believe each and every one of us can do as sons and daughters of Christ.

The Lord gives us the strength to carry on and hold our heads high. He gives us the strength to stand firm in our beliefs and to complete his plan for us.

St Augustine said “When God is our strength, it is strength indeed; when our strength is our own, it is only weakness”. 

So with that in mind, I wanted to share 10 scripture passages to guide you to rest in God’s peace and bathe in his strength. 

He gives us the strength to carry on where our own feet cannot take us.

“You have armed me with strength for the battle” 

Psalms 18:39


“I love you, Lord, my strength” 

Psalms 18:1


“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak… those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength” 

Isaiah 40:29-31


“I can do all things through him who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4:13


“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.”

 Psalms 28:7


“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” 

Joshua 1:9


“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” 

Psalms 46:1


 “The people of Jerusalem are strong, because the Lord Almighty is their God.” 

Zechariah 12:5


“It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.” 

2 Samuel 22:33


“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” 

Genesis 28:15

Below is a wallpaper collage to inspire you to remain faithful and remind you that the Lord will give you the strength to carry on.

To save the wallpaper and use it on your own device:

1. Click on the image (this is really important to make sure your image isn't blurry)

2. Right click on the image

3. Select 'Save As'

4. Save the image in your documents.

5. Use the image for its intended purpose



If it is the Lord’s will for you to do something, he will give you the strength to do it. He doesn’t leave us alone, instead he supplies everything we need to do his will.

He who created the earth and the sea and the stars will give you the strength to get up each day, to conquer the small temptations.

Have courage and take comfort in the knowledge that God has already given you the strength to make it and he will continue to do so every day of your life.



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